

The name of the new factory is “MINNANO-SUNAGAWA FACTORY”.
We chose this name with the hope that it will be a place for everyone: children, adults, workers, animals, plants, and all.


Making an open factory

お店やカフェのすぐ隣、ガラスを挟んだ向こう側に私たちが働く工場があります。 みなさんが手にとっている製品がつくられる様子をご覧いただけます。

The first decision we made was to create an open factory.
Right next to the store and cafe, separated only by a single sheet of glass, is the factory where we work. Here, you can witness firsthand how the products you hold in your hands are made.

Making an open factory

The first decision we made was to create an open factory.
Right next to the store and cafe, separated only by a single sheet of glass, is the factory where we work. Here, you can witness firsthand how the products you hold in your hands are made.


つくることからすべてが始まる── 。

少数精鋭で走り抜けた日々、コロナ禍で立ち止まってふと気が付きました。視野は狭まり、思考がすっかり凝り固まっていたのです。 そこで「みんなの工場」は、みんなと話しながらつくることに挑戦しました。



We’ve successfully delivered our products not only within Japan, but also worldwide, by crafting items that we ourselves want to use and ensuring they reach as many people as possible. During the early days when we were a small, selected group, the Covid-19 pandemic forced us to pause and reflect. It became clear that our vision was narrowing, and our thinking was becoming more rigid. This realization prompted us to embark on the journey of creating the "MINNANO-SUNAGAWA FACTORY," a decision reached through extensive discussions with our community.

We initiated the “MINNANO-SUNAGAWA PROJECT” and have diligently prepared for its launch through workshops and conversations with citizens of Sunagawa, as well as individuals from across the country who expressed interest in the project. The name “MINNANO-SUNAGAWA FACTORY” was chosen with the intention of co-creating both the interior and exterior with the Sunagawa community. We aim to construct the outer walls and furniture together, utilizing wood from responsibly managed forests to sustain a healthy ecological cycle. The goal is to establish a space where people of all ages, both residents of Sunagawa and those from outside the city, along with visitors from around the globe, can gather harmoniously alongside the animals and plants that once called this land home. This project is imbued with the aspiration to foster an inclusive gathering place for everyone, without exception.
We look forward to nurturing this space collectively with all of you.

For further details on bringing pets to the event, please click here.


製品づくりにおいて自然の恵みをたくさんもらっているからこそ、「地球環境に与える負荷をできる限り減らし、限りある資源を守ること」「地球環境や社会に配慮する視点や発想に基づく事業運営」を大切にしています。 「みんなの工場」の建設・運営においても、地域社会にも地球環境にも配慮した循環型の施設を目指し、下記の目標のもと取り組んでまいります。

Since its inception, SHIRO Co., Ltd. has been crafting products harnessing the potential of natural ingredients, sourced from both domestic and international origins, to the fullest extent possible. Because our product manufacturing relies so heavily on the gifts of nature, we hold in high regard the principles of "minimizing the impact on the global environment and safeguarding finite resources" and "conducting our business with perspectives and ideas that prioritize the global environment and society."
In the establishment and operation of the "MINNANO-SUNAGAWA FACTORY," we aspire to build a recycling-focused facility that takes into account the well-being of both the local community and the broader environment. To this end, we are committed to pursuing the following objectives.



We remain dedicated to exploring novel initiatives and striving to develop facilities that are considerate of both society and the global environment.